Foto (h/t Michelle Malkin.) 2006. The Mexican flag and
upside down American flag, as displayed by hispanic students in Mexifornia
(still officially known as California.) What the students, intent on insult,
did not know : Flying the flag upside down is a distress signal. Some American
patriot groups, opposed to flying the flag upside down, do not believe that
unprecedented tidal waves of illegal immigration create such "distress."
Others believe it does. The prospect of cultural collapse and multi-lingual
Balkanization into a Super Welfare State, they believe, qualifies as
"distressing." Question: What if troubled Americans, the "silent majority" all
across the land flew their flags upside down in protest? While some patriot
groups would oppose it and not get it, would Washington realize that something
is in the air---not insurrection, maybe, not exactly, but something like
it? Thomas Jefferson mentioned this theme over 200 years ago. (below.)
Is there an American 'ideology' today? A dominant, a commanding system of beliefs? Is there, as Princeton University's WorldNet defines it, "an orientation that characterizes the thinking of a....nation"?
What could that reason be? Christianity? Free enterprise or capitalism? Conservatism or liberalism? But a number of citizens cotton to secularism, "progressivism," even socialism and atheism.
So much division. How can there be a national credo, just as there is no longer a truly national author, like Mark Twain? Is today's American brain now too Balkanized, as a tectonic shift in demographics and culture looms on the red-white-and-blue horizon?
Maybe not. Or maybe yes and no. A giant paradox of seeming contradictions, a system that contains all these discords, may be alive and well. Call it Compassionism.
'Compassionism'? Yes, the new American ideology
(or emotive force, for those who prefer feeling to thinking). It's 'new' in the
sense of being the most relevant and all-inclusive for today's politically
correct Republic. It assimilates what normally is not assimilated, including
even the mutually repellent. Whatever they call it. some will see in
it---approvingly or disapprovingly--- elements of raw capitalism or
"corporatism," Judeo-Christianity, and/or camouflaged communism or socialism,
i.e. greed, God and God-less government.
In fact, it's not any single one of
these three historic belief systems. Rather, it's an amalgam, an epic American
fusion of all three. It integrates their normally separate approaches to social
and political dogma. It hardly minds if some of its constituents loathe each
other, berate each other, curse each other or just seem hopelessly
incompatible at dinner parties. Let them "think" or "feel" or "opinionate" as they choose. It's
more concerned with a bigger picture. Compassionism has a job to do and intends
to do it. At bottom, that job is planetary, even if some fear that it's true
goal, consciously or unconsciously, intended or un-intended, is to globalize away
the USA.
Compassionism today, through its news media,
entertainment industry, courts, government, Business and Education, is
revolutionizing everything inside U.S. borders, regardless of dissidents,
hold-outs, traditionalists, heretics or outright un-believers. In fact few, if
any, will admit to believing in it wholeheartedly. Communist/socialist elements
fear or hate the capitalist and Christian elements, the capitalist or business
interests rebuke the socialists, and Christians have issues with all of them.
Nevertheless, contradictions and all, Compassionism thrives, taking what it
needs from its separate non-believers, or semi-believers. It knows how to
survive with hardly anyone fully believing in it, There are no parishioners,
congregations, menorahs, devotees, church suppers or conversion ceremonies. This allows
Christians, capitalists and socialists to feel untainted by each other. It's
largely a faith without the faithful. As a dynamic, it's far more interested in
results, not in whether a majority fully "believes" in it. Fanatics need not
apply. Worship is not de rigeur. Heretics will not be burned at the
stake or beheaded, especially if they are not too politically incorrect.
Compassionism intends to rule and mandate, not excommunicate.
Some might trace early Compassionism to the Civil
War in the 19th century. That cataclysmic War Between the States highlighted
all three crucial components. The industrial capitalist North, cheered on by
the Marxists and socialists of Europe and the Christian abolitionists of New
England, ended slavery in the old traditional South.
In the next century, after decades of labor strife, union insurgency, class warfare etc, the liberal elitist Franklin Delano Roosevelt became a patron saint of Compassionism. This Democratic President's 'New Deal' during the 1930's Great Depression, giving Government "relief" to the unemployed masses, was cheered by Catholics, Jews, Oakies and Communists, although the latter feared it might save capitalism, putting Socialist America on hold. These Communist misgivings were allayed by the fact that, under FDR, statism and Big Government, with Washington as Big Brother, or Big Mama, was now firmly and deeply anchored in the once Jeffersonian Republic. This federal, centralized statism, a colossus towering over the old States' Rights, most likely could never ever be dislodged. Marxists and Soviet sympathizers breathed easier. They understood. They knew that the semi-literate masses would always vote for the entitlement politicians, for the hand-outs, for the income re-distribution. You didn't need Nostradamus or a crystal ball to see that. It was as certain as day and night. The coming of Socialist America, already in its early stages, was now virtually inevitable, despite any capitalist and free enterprise razzle-dazzle in the interim. Let the children of the philistines and bourgeoisie play with their I-pods and Me-Tubes for now in their co-ed dormitories. Eventually even the dunciad, the sappy happy talkers and elitists would recognize the inevitable: A People's Republic triumph over free enterprise, not to mention free thought.
Compassionism marches on, the master ideology. Today it reaches from the Islamic Somali community of Maine, to Wahabbi mosques in New York, the tacovilles of the Midwest, the imamification of U.S. prisons, the barrios of Mexifornia. There have been many examples of Compassionism's dramatic and irresistible growth post-FDR. For instance...
The 1960's: Compassionism grew exponentially as a reaction to youth rebellion, little race wars, the Vietnam conflict, demands for civil rights, abortion rights, pornography rights, feminist rights, pre-AIDS homosexual rights, trans-gender rights etc. It also adapted to and assimilated the ending of racial segregation in the South, the mainstreaming of ghetto music and the use of White Guilt Syndrome as a powerful political and social weapon, condoning the useful racism of the anti-racist. Compassionism is dynamic. Even in the sturm und drang over the womb, Christians promote compassion rights for the unborn.Statists and "progressives" demand compassionate abortion rights for the mother. Business and corporate interests supply the media software, hardware and talking heads in the "national conversation," capitalism demonstrating its social compassion by "growing the economy" for everyone. Business executives also demonstrate their allegiance to Compassionism as they obey racial blackballing by declared anti-racists. They see it as promoting a calmer business environment.
The Great Society. Another Compassionistic landmark. It was Democratic President Lyndon Baines Johnson's response to the 60's "rebellion" of college kids, socialists and de-segregated blacks. LBJ was under fierce attack for his escalation of the Vietnam War (middle class college kids yelling their catchy Lefty slogans like "Hey, Hey, LBJ, how many kids did you kill today"?) Johnson responded domestically by a vast escalation of the old FDR New Deal. What had been, decades earlier, temporary "relief" for workers in the great Depression, now became a full-fledged entitlement industry and Welfare State. The liberals delivered checks, services, maternity wards, child support, housing, food stamps and medical care to the "disadvantaged" and males who would make babies but not raise them. The responsible and irresponsible were rewarded, all being "equal." The whole world could see that American Man, or "powerful" White Man, was buckling, in fear of urban riots and the anti-racist racists. It excited many. LBJ's 'Great Society' became the 'New Deal' on steroids. While socialists generally welcomed the gigantic growth in Government and taxation to feed it, capitalists and even some Christians were concerned. Could a society in hock to the least productive survive? But in the end, despite all the squabbling and spewing, and shouts of "Burn, Baby, Burn!" the new credo carried the day. Taxation and Compassionism prevailed.
1965 Immigration Bill. With the post WW II birth of White Guilt Syndrome came the notion that the USA was "too white." Elites worried that this might make Americans unpopular with the regimes of Africa, Asia, and the MIddle East that were being courted by the Soviet Union. Democratic Senator Ted Kennedy helped lead a "reform" which drastically reduced immigration from Europe, while opening the gates to the Third World. Such Compassionism was indebted not only to liberals, socialists and Christians. Republicans collaborated. Democratic President Johnson signed the bill. Incidentally, it appears that the Compassionists, even the Kennedys and church groups, may not have expected a profound change in U.S. demographics. Possibly they did not foresee explosive run-away immigration. They did not imagine the realities of "chain migration" i.e. Third World immigrants importing relatives and whole families. They wrote the law so that immigrants, not Americans, would decide on bringing relatives. Arguably the elite Compassionists did not act cynically, only stupidly, or perhaps only Compassionistically. Their legislation created unintended consequences and opened gates that have never shut.
Simpson-Mazzoli, 1986. This immigration control bill was passed in
response to the perceived problem of 2.7 million illegal aliens, and the fact
that all immigration, legal and illegal, was accounting for up to 50% of U.S.
population growth. Amnesty, signed by President Reagan, would contain the
problem, it was believed. Consequences? Unintended. The 2.7 million were later
replaced by 12 million additional illegals, encouraged by the amnesty for the
previous 2.7 million.
Fast forward to 2007, after more than a
half-century of progressiveness through Compassionism.
The View From Jihad. Although
many socialists around the world see the U.S. as still too capitalistic and
"imperialistic" for their tastes, muslims tend to focus on what they see as
the decadence, homosexuality, un-covered women and "moral putrefaction." In the
May 16, 2007 Wall Street Journal, Bernard Lewis, widely considered the
greatest living scholar on Islam, looks at the Russian and American
interventions in Afghanistan and comments on how Al-Qaeda views Compassionistic
America. These muslims assert that they, not the U.S., brought down the old
Soviet Union.
" ....As Osama bin Laden
explained, in this final phase of the millennial struggle, the world of the
unbelievers was divided between two superpowers. The first task was to deal with
the more deadly and more dangerous of the two, the Soviet Union. After that,
dealing with the pampered and degenerate Americans would be
Bush-Kennedy Amnesty, 2007.
Senator Kennedy, the Wizard of non-European immigration for almost
as long as Fidel Castro's reign, is at it again. This time he is joined by the
Compassionistic Conservative, George Bush, and the Compassionistic Republican
Senator John McCain. As reported by Michelle Malkin, this Amnesty They Will Not
Call Amnesty, would ultimately cost U.S. taxpayers 2.5 trillion dollars in
welfare for the illegals and their chain-migrant relatives. (Compassionists claim that these illiterates will pay taxes that will cover the entitlement costs of themselves and their(often large) families.) Even if
long-outraged Americans burn up the phone lines enough to stop this
Amnesty Not Called Amnesty, the Compassionate Bush-Kennedy-McCain attempt to ram it through
Congress with minimal national debate dramatically illustrates Compassionism
in action. Business would get cheap labor, the socialists cheap votes, and
Senator Kennedy can offer "pork" to the Pope, i.e, legalizing millions of
high-school drop-outs from Catholic Mexico who theoretically will fill needy
The Compassionistic lure is so powerful that even some important Pub pols,
including President George Bush, (The Compassionate Conservative) have been willing to facilitate a demographic
shift which might crush the Republican Party and institute a one-party state,
such as the narco-republica of Mexico that was ruled by the leftist "People's" PRI for
70 years.
Booming Minorities As reported
by Reuters, the minority population in the U.S. now tops 100 million. While
Asians and Latinos are reproducing at over 3% and blacks somewhat less, the rate
for whites is .03%. This Caucasian sterility, whether affected or not by 50
million abortions, indicates that the Compassionistic plans of Senator Kennedy,
the Left, Business Republicans and multi-cultural religionists, dating back to
1965, to change the USA from being "too white," are succeeding beyond socialist, papal and anti-racist dreams. It's yet another testament to American know-how and the
corporate can-do spirit. Sublimated greed has always been a factor in the
great-buttocked post-WW II prosperity. Today so many Americans, by winning Fate's
lottery, have been liberated for affluent, or at least state-funded license and
instant gratification. They've had the freedom to abort their "problems" while,
in prosaic shadows, far from the glamor and glitter, the sub-literate Third
World Catholics and the fecund fellaheen of Islam propogate themselves en masse. The data indicates even more dramatic changes in
coming decades as Mexico, among others, exports its social problems to America
The Compassionistic. The shadowy masses and the criminal sub-class must move
into sunlight. Many millions will vote or strike for "rights,"
trillion-dollar entitlements and "tax the rich," as Christians remind us that
blessed are the poor, Business complains that it needs cheaper labor again, and
socialists cry, "Power to the People!"
With such a demographic destiny, the old Americans, even the rich ones
in their walled compounds, the ones who haven't moved off-shore to Bermuda etc,
may need help, sympathy and yes, even compassion. Compassionism can be of
service here too. Mastering the art of using
racism to promote anti-racism, it will assist whites too. The bureaucracy
and "People's" Government will help them all, including their liberated
women, to adjust while becoming minorities in their own
country. Compassionism will teach them how to be good global citizens of the
progressive planet on which they were always a minority anyway. True, the pessimist may call this national or
cultural suicide. But even in the worst case, the optimist will cite the
prospect of re-birth, i.e. new life after the national death. A Compassionistic
People's Republic can look forward to the born-again globalista, with or without
Harvard MBA.
Despite tensions still prevailing in the Balkanized land of
People's PC Police and Taxation, the committed Compassionist can heave a sigh of relief
that Thomas Jefferson's famous comment, of centuries ago, may now be
The tree of liberty must be refreshed
from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.=============================================================
Note: The Jefferson quote is from a letter to William S, Smith in Paris,
November 13, 1787. Here is the paragraph, with gringo redaction for greater
"God forbid we should ever be twenty years without such a
The people cannot be all, and always, well
informed.... If they remain quiet under such misconceptions,
it is lethargy, the
forerunner of death to the public liberty. ...
And what country can preserve
its liberties, if it's rulers are not
warned from time to time, that this
people preserve the spirit of
resistance? Let them take arms....What signify
a few lives lost
in a century or two? The tree of liberty must be refreshed
time to time, with the blood of patriots and tyrants.
It is its
natural manure."
Technorati Tags: Immigration, Border,Amnesty, Welfare State
Single men pushing 70 years tend to lose focus and ramble on all over the map. Gringoman is a perfect example here. One cannot fathom if the above manifesto is meant to be a screed or vice-versa.
Every neo-fascist bete noir under the sun has been thrown in for good measure. One might say there is nothing left to debate; and precisely the point, for there is nothing but a list of complaints and a parade of horribles that shows that the world and the party which Gringoman has invested his life has passed him by...
Crisp, sharp as a tack prose can become the basis of debate on the merits; but there is none of that here.
Two howlers though: Gringoman whines that there is no longer a "national author like Mark Twain", as if the neocon lazyboy flatscreen wannabe's actually read; and Gringoman is completely unaware of Twain's socialism.
Well Gringoman, the second howler goes to your photograph (as if rank and file torture loving republicans even know the inverted flag is a distress signal). Look, to make you feel better reach down and grab your ankles and look at the photo from between your legs. The american flag is now face up and on top while the mexican flag is inverted and on the bottom... and you gringoman along with your 70yr old body is the only one feeling distressed.
Posted by: Phillip Wedeen | May 22, 2007 at 05:55 PM
So Comrade Kook from Canada is back again? OMG! These ancient weirdos, feeding on the corpse of their Daddy Marx, never seem to die, they just cliche away about the "fascists" and the "racists" and the "imperialists" and "the neo-cons,", like their idol the octogenarian Commandante Fidel ("Get me a white doctor from Spain, you flocos!") Castro.
How tragic for human reason that some of these fools have even managed to wheedle their way through law school back during the heyday of the "Soviet Worker's State." And now they've survived into the era when their socialist inspirations in Canada, Germany, even, alas, France, have all gone conservative. It's got to be rough, surviving as the living dead, and kvetching about your more intelligent peers.
Here's an idea for Comrade Wedeen, to prove that he's not just what the French call an idiot pseudo-savant, infected with a sad case of Bolshie Bloviating. Take a break from the banalities of "We The Smart Revolutionaries." Terminally pretentious doesn't work today. Cancel your subscription. Try action, for once in your stunted life. Contact the prog behemoth Michael Moore, (Remember, you and your fellow hulk have something poignant in common: an idolized octogenarian monster in Havana who gets excellent anti-imperialist bed pan service from "the People.") That's a good opening, your common worship of hoary El Maximo. Here's the follow-up: Offer to write and star in Moore's sequel that will slay them at Cannes: 'Son of Sicko.'
Posted by: gringoman | May 23, 2007 at 11:27 AM
Screw the Pooch, Gringoman, you ought to go back and re-read your copy above because you sound like the unibomber.
A partial list of Gringo topics covered above:
The Inverted Flag
Lack of American "ideology"
Shrill Media
Illegal aliens
Highway Death
Secular/Progressive Cotton
National Author (socialist Mark Twain)
Amalgam of Compassionate Belief
Big Government
Entitlements for the Masses
High Taxes
Fearful Whites
Browining America
White Guilt
sub-literate Catholics
Papel Payoff
Crushing the Republican Party
Cheap labour
Cheap Votes
Caucasian Sterility
Hispanic Fertility
Islam (always Islam..)
Ted Kennedy
Homosexual rights (Gringo got his)
Al-Queda (gotta throw that in)
People's Gov't (can't be havin' that)
chain migration
non-european migration (is there a whiff of racism? nah, gringo just loves euros)
Bernard Lewis ("considered to be the gratest living scholar on Islam" a fact pulled from gringo-ass)
Trillions for Welfare
Worried Elites
balkanized america
big bureacracy
Smart Founding Fathers....
all you are missing Gringoman, is a snappy uniform and an appeal to the fatherland; or was that your appeal?
Posted by: Phillip Wedeen | May 23, 2007 at 05:53 PM
Speaking of Uni-bummers, Wedeen again is impressed by his talent for loony legalniki, He seems to think that his law school lefty litany, posing as a reasoned critique of the incisive COMPASSIONISM, USA, would impress anyone except his jurors, carefully selected for their dumbo traits.
Wedeen, you live as an intellectual shyster. Are you determined to die as one, with no hope of redemption? True, I have little hope for your colleague, the Chilean Che-wannabe Eduardos, but whenever he gets his mouth away from the red vino of vindictiveness and bourgeois self-abuse (rare, of course)it seems he might be able to help his Kooky Comrade from Canadastan. I sometimes think he might even be intelligent and honest enough to explain to you that the most sinister racism on the planet today is the racism of the self-proclaimed anti-racists. It's as polluting as the racism of the Right ever was. I know, you can't get your (sic) brain around the obvious fact that your liberal and lefty human deviants, declaring how they are "down with brown," are in fact intent on importing a slave class into the U.S. which will do their bidding on their lawns etc, and more importantly at the dumbed-down ballot box, allowing diseased "anti-racists" like (do we need to name the obvious, aside from your comrades, Mexico's Narco-Republica and the Fidelista fops who see how cleverly their Castro functioned as bearded Race Racketeer) to seize what they lust for: POWER.
This is all probably too much for you to assimilate in your present condition of proto-psychotic politicobabble. You obviously need a break from struggling for The Revolution. You're not interested in getting into a Michael Moore prequel, like "SON OF SICKO"? Okay. Why not check out Havana and your favorite People's Dictator, the Octo-Maximo? Maybe you can advise him on how to sue the Imperialist Pharmaceuticals for not lowering his drug costs?
ps. For Havana, don't forget to bring toilet paper and Lux for las chicas on The People's street corners and The People's park benches. (Yes,in your case, you can make it los chicos instead.)
Posted by: gringoman | May 24, 2007 at 12:27 PM
You are insufferable, Gringoman, and have provided us with yet another interminable gaggle of labels and slogans without any cogent analysis. Tant pis!
Since I will be leaving my post at UCLA for the summer recess and returning to Quebec, you may sit here and babble on about i-pods and co-ed dorms while deciding if you shall part your hair from behind.
I spoke with our comrade just two weeks ago. His silence here is the result of being called by the Bachelet gov't to take up diplomatic post in Spain. He comes from a long line of family to have served Chile in the diplomatic corps and Gringoman may know of his uncle Jorge; who did serve in Cuba and wrote of his posting by Allende and eventual expulsion by Castro.
As the unread american right cannot parse the difference between a Sartre and a Camus, or, a Castro from an Allende, it is reduced (like Gringoman) to a charecature and beomes the object of worldwide derision.
Throwing out more labels Gringoman- this time Castro and Michael Moore- only contributes to the amusement of seeing a befuddled man sprinkling his holy water on perceived demons. Demons which represent a world which he cannot understand.
I have an english copy of the Edwards book, shall I send it on?
Posted by: Phillip Wedeen | May 25, 2007 at 12:53 PM
It's bracing to be accused of "throwing out labels" by ideos who specialize in berating "the American fascists," or "imperialists" or "racists" or "cowboys" or "neo-cons" or "Islamophobes." I.e., does the professor (or whastever) at the UCLA campus soviet (or whatever) mean to condemn "labelizing" or commend it?
Look, I'm trying not to think of you as another pompous acadummy. But you've got to help. If you feel you and Comrade Eduardos were unfairly characterized as sucking up to, or otherwise supporting El Octo-Maximo of Cuba, here's your chance to straighten out the world. Make plain your view of Castro. Is he a despot or not? Fess up. This is off-campus.
Congratulations to Comrade Eduardos on his diplomatic posting to the Iberian Peninsula. Does this mean he opposes it being re-taken for the Caliphate of al-Anadalus? Or does the fact of his Islamic clients prevent him from answering direct questions?
Is the Comrade's book in decent English? Has it been properly proof-read? Does it have anything to offer the literate and worldly, the non-kooky, the rational?
If the answer is yes, of course I'd be glad to receive a copy---although I'd prefer a bi-lingual edition, to check up on the original screed.
Posted by: gringoman | May 26, 2007 at 11:48 AM
Dear Dan,
You seem to be joining the Lou Dobbs xenophobs and populists now that your (former) favorite, Shrub Jr. is going down to Dim political Dis. One reason the Mexicans and Central Americans are flooding into America is our subsidized corn is flooding their economies, thus impoverishing and ruining the small farmers. Also, the factories which went south just a few short years ago to Sonora and Chihuahua are now heading on to Bangla Desh, the Phillipines and whereever else the multi-nationals can find even cheaper labor. Besides, a Mexican can earn more in a day of laboring in the U.S. than he makes in a week south of the border, so why shouldn't he "Go North?" It seems poetic justice that the carpenters, dry wall hangers, etc., who wouldn't let blacks into their unions a generation ago are now being supplanted from their unionized $20/hour jobs by non-union illegals willing to do the job for half that amount! My sollution:allow the illegals to become legal if they agree to sign on a a Centurion for an enlistmet in the Legion, err, I mean Army and Marines, thus filling the gaps in our broken military. On the other hand, if we followed this policy, perhaps they would get the same idea that the German tribesmen who, once let into the the legions and allowed to migrate across the northern frontiers of the Empire, opted to take power and wealth from their enfebled , deracinated masters. In any event, what you and Lou desire ain't gonna hapen, despite your xenophobic ruccus. It is too valuable to both the Republicans and the Democrats, for utterly different reasons, to allow in as many "illegal" aliens in as possible. Besides, isn't there a bit of bad faith here, trying to "close the moat," since we ourselves--or at least our ancestors-- were immigrants, too, and the only authentic Americans were the Native Americans??!!
Michael N. Landis
Posted by: Michael N. Landis | June 16, 2007 at 03:38 PM
Hey Michael,
Welcome to the gringo Free Speech Forum! It's good to see any "progressive" venture out of the group think ghettos of the Left and try out Nation-researched platitudes with un-anointed americanos. However, the problem with your Lou Dobbs cliche is that I've never seen Lou Dobbs. Do you have any better stereotypes handy to "enlighten" us with? However, I have seen the Great White Hope of the Democrats, Bubba Man, who you of course fail to mention when trotting out the old truism about Mexican peons driven North due to corn crisis engendered by Free Trade Agreements with U.S. Wake up, Michael! We knew that over 10 years ago! Where have you been--besides reading Counterpunch for the latest anti-imperialist "revelations"? You fail to mention, while "instructing" us, how the Clinton Machine/Bubba rammed NAFTA through a reluctant U.S. Congress? Do you have anything new to say, besides repeating Gringo Truths that anyone can find at E.g. both Donks and Pubs, Business and neo-Bolshies want to flood the US with illegal immigrant anarchy for their own reasons. We know that. Do we have to repeat it one more time, so that even the "enlightened" progs will know that we know? Snap out of it, Michael. This isn't The Nation Summer School. Try to make this interesting, not just a re-hash of gringommentaries while asserting gringo ignorance of your platitudes.
But does this really matter to you? Sadly, I must wonder. Why? Well, it appears that since you, while dreaming wobbly dreams, also sipped the deadly Marxian Kool Aid a long time ago and, unlike the rest of us---including gringoman and other outstanding minds like even H.L. Mencken and Dostoyevsky, just to mention a few---thankfully in maturity discovered antidotes to the romantic poison, and are not dupes for the Lefty version of Rome and the Barbarians. The wise have learned to spit it out, Michael, and laugh at being branded "heretics" or "apostates." Sadly, to those who age and are still suffering from this youth poisoning, the flawed though undeniably great nation which sustains them--and by extension all civilization---while they kow-tow to Oriental-type despots like Fidel Castro---needs a good dose of calamity and upheaval so that the easily manipulated dummies (I mean The People) can take over, like their Havana Hotshot, from the Evil Capitalists. The Progressive Shysters who can make nothing but know how to say anything can rightfully rule the "stupid," i.e all who do not agree with their shysterhood.
Kindergarten is fun, Michael. Even adults can enjoy being lambasted by the little tykes---in moderation. Everything in moderation, Michael---even the Sophomore's Revolution.
Posted by: gringoman | June 20, 2007 at 12:19 PM
For a radical like myself to post on is like a bargain basement version lefty coming on O'Reilly's "No Spin Zone" (or is it "The Factor"?): between the shout-downs, insults and slogans there's just no winning (though I hope at least--unlike the lefties who venture onto FOX are at least remunerated for their verbal whippings)! Instead of addressing the issues I presented, you trot out the same old chestnuts! It is just like the old CPers during the 1950's and 1960's ranting about the "Hitlerites", "Trotskyites" etc. etc. In short order my eyes glaze over. Instead of your tired slogans, how about addressing the issues??!! What you don't seem to understand is that the multi-national corporations could care less about what American working- and middle-class think, let alone about what old isolationist cranks, like yourself, believe. The power and sovereignity of the nation-state has now been superceded by the power and covereignity of the corporation, and there is precious little you can do about it except cry in the wind.
Posted by: Michael N. Landis | June 20, 2007 at 08:41 PM
Welcome to the den again, where logical discourse is reccommended and encouraged, even from self-proclaimed "progressives." I was surprised to find you comparing gringoVision to the old discredited Lefties. I thought the standard "progressive" tack, as with the Canakook etc, is to charge "war mongering" and "racism" and "imperialism" or (a particular favorite of the Comrade Wedeen) neo-fascism. Lately that pretentious prog even resorts to age-ism, poor legal idiot.) Or are you just trying out some heresy for a change?
Look, your logic might be interesting. You might even have a point.(I doubt it, but you're encouraged to show otherwise.) So we must ask, why don't you actually make your odd point instead of deluding yourself that ad hominem attacks and pc platitudes about Bad Capitalism (implying Good Socialism)are doing the job for you? I want to see how you differ from much of the lefty Blogosphere Comments, Michael, not what you have in common with them. I know you have potential. I've seen your library and I know what you think about the anti-imperialist Fidel Castro---El Commandante who inspired Michael "Sicko" Moore and never worked for Haliburton
You say that instead of addressing the issues you raised, I blah-blah-blah-blah.
Michael, let's take this slowly. I want to grant that you, unlike a DU or Kos Kiddie, are polemically serious. I know you are concerned about Big Issues and feel that non-Progs are woefully ignorant or blind to the Corporate Monolith etc. That's why I want to encourage you not to act like a pol on Meet The Depressed. I want you to say what you mean, MIchael. Leave the smoke about "the issues I did not address" to the sophomores in bloglandia. State the issue(s) you mean. Smoke isn't enough. It sounds like a typical lefty (and I hate to say that.) Instead of blowing smoke, say what you mean. WHAT issue? Say it. State it. Get it out where everybody can see what you think you mean instead of just blowing smoke in our faces. Maybe you think you already stated it in previous comment. Not good enough, Michael. Infelicitous assumption. That's known as begging the question, or copping the out. If I was derelict in not answering an "issue", could you possibly specify what so-called "issue" you mean and how I failed it? It's called playing fair, MIchael. Progressives believe in that, right? Generalities about your opponent's failing to appreciate your shiboleths don't cut it, MIchael. That's not debate. That's dodge ball.
So, take anything you feel that gringoVision, unlike Nation subscribers, is running from. You can even toss in some little ad hominems if you want to sidetrack from the fact that gassy generalizing (which we can all do, it can be fun)is avoiding specifics, even when it is fun. It's a typical tack of the bloviator, something I know you don't want to be seen as. We should bloviate only (1) if we're actually saying something in addition to or despite the bloviation or (2) when we have nothing to say but hate to admit it.
Repeat: You can ad hominem the reactionary non-progressives, if you like. That's liberal human nature. Not being a socialist ---whether or not I ever was---I have little hope of ever changing human nature. But the ad hominems are a waste unless you can also show exactly what you think and how your opponent fails the test. To do that, Michael, you have to be clear, focused and specific. Leave the gas to the Sorosphere.
That's not asking too much, is it?
Posted by: gringoman | June 25, 2007 at 05:35 PM
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