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March 29, 2006


Phillip Wedeen

More hand-wringing down in Securitania!

Maybe Gringoman has heard of the San Patricio Brigade, yes? Maybe Gringoman know just where that photo was taken, right?
Oh, no chance that the protest could center on the Sensenbrenner bill. No way.
So the hermit kingdom, where all things are beautiful and an Iraqi dentist is strategizing the US imperial effort, sees the protest as a war.
What is that "heart stopping photo" Gringoman?
Could it be..... satan?
How could this happen in Securitania?.. why even the elementary schools have metal detectors and Republicans are kept gated and away from their countrymen! You in the hermit kingdom need to rachet down on these things. Next thing, these people will be visiting your shopping malls!
You need more private security... and anglo gardeners! Strap on a leaf-blower Gringoman, your minutemen are busy creating jobs and you obviously have too much time on your hands!

(BTW, has anybody ever heard of a Mexican flag being burned in protest)


OMG! Can the Wedeens be the future of Canada? Is it that bleak? Is this once wholesome, intelligent land lost to the sanctimonious little satans of subsidy? Is even the maple syrup poisoned with marxokyl? Wait. Maybe there's a shred of hope. Canada has just announced no more aid to the Hamas thuggery. So which is the real Canada? The recently-elected conservatives or, as we see here, the socialooney progs ? (By the way, this is Day 29 of your Dhimmi Dodge on endorsing (or not) the Anti-Islamist Manifesto. Why not be a more convincing weasel,if you can't answer yes or no like a man? Or if you'll be adult enough for a yes or no, you'll even be invited to do some more lecturing on the San Patricio Brigade and the wingnuts.


As for the secular Democrats' and Rodham's sudden discovery of "Christian compassion" in this issue, we give four stars to the following reply (hat tip American Princess.) It may even merit the Star of Bethlehem......

Kathy Shaidle guesting at Beliefnet, and has a point: the closest resemblance the marchers have to the baby Jesus, is that, occasionally, one of them shares his name:

Jesus and the Holy Family didn’t sponge welfare and medical care off the Egyptian “state” without ever having paid into the system. They didn’t commit violent crimes or take jobs away from Egyptians as far as we know. They didn’t join racist groups and demand reconquista (or -- the rough historical equivalent -- clamor for “slavery reparations” on behalf of their ancestors, who’d been worked to death in Egypt centuries earlier.)

In fact, to compare Jesus’ brief, poorly documented sojourn in a pre-capitalist, pre-industrial, sparsely populated, undemocratic monarchy to the stream of criminals swarming America’s borders demonstrates a breathtaking degree of economic illiteracy and ideological blindness that only a liberal could pull off.

Phillip Wedeen

The voice of xenophobe grows louder by the minute!

"Take away jobs", "Sponge off of the system"
How about exploited! There is tremendous surplus value because without the undocumented immigrant there would the tremendous added cost of labour and services! In short they are in your country because they are hired, and they are hired because they work for less. Period.

The reason that the hermit kingdom of bloggers, where all things are beautiful and an Iraqi dentist whispers that victory is just around the corner, are apoplectic is because the inroads made by Republicans among hispanic voters has been shattered.

For the casual right-wing wingnut who nods at the Gringocrap.. the "babies will be declared US citizens" -when in fact they are citizens and 'lawyers hired to assist law-breakers destroy a nation'... stop and think of the remedy offered by this demogogue:
The mass forcible deportation of some 12 million people!
The rest is just fascist happytalk.
For ordinary people confronting this issue, it just might be prudent to ask how it is that there are those in the american congress proposing criminalization and deportation... and who is the "white knight" silent and above the frey?


Proglodyte opens schoolbook. Finds "marxy magic" of "tremendous surplus value." This now misleading relic of 19th century German professor who didn't get enough air and sunlight (stupidly misleading as used by typical Canadian proglodyte) convinces the prog he's on to something. Part of brain not yet eaten away now freed up for rant mode about the "fascist wingnuts." No need to examine the tremendous drain on welfare, education, prison and medical that the illegals,(including the huge number of outright criminals) many of them obese from their own stupid diets, will dump on U.S. taxpayers as President Foxy exports his corruption and failures to the U.S.A. while the capitalistas and the zombie left cheers. Wedeen, what could you do with a fully functioning brain? Could you finally tell us whether you endorse or not the Anti-IslamistManifesto?

Phillip Wedeen

Perhaps if you had continued your formal education you would understand the nuance... the protest was never about america's right to control her borders, the issue was the criminalization of tens of millions of people and the threat of mass deportation.
The proposed remedy for illegal immigration in the Sensenbrenner bill exposes the fascism (yes, fascism) of the far right. That is what drove the millions into the street.
Too bad you don't like it. I'm sure the street appreciates your "inverted ensign acts as of war" (you must just love Masterpiece Theatre) and I'm certain some couch potato with a gun, somewhere, understood the symbolism..

BTW I have read Scott Edwards piece in El Siglo concerning "the new Winnepeg Movement" essentially calling on South America to assist voluntary repatriation should the twelve millions in america be declared felons..while shunning the imperial racism, coupled with a move by all latin nations to demand abrogation of the Treaty of Hidalgo as a violation of international law. Scott feels that this issue alienates americans further from the rest of the world... to almost a pariah status. He said that that the american middle class is both besieged and belittled by Bush economic policy while the South American nations led by Chile are in a strong growth mode with a strong social welfare system. Edwards points to the root of the immigration paranoia in Securitania as a 'protestant fear of the spanish language'
The point of view of most seems to be that these people did not cross the border, the border crossed them.
Interesting stuff which is getting him interviews on TeleSud. There he is urging that latin peoples build stronger solidarity with Europe and China instead with an economically and morally bankrupt country.

Also, I am calling on the Quebec gov't to check the voting cards of yanks coming to Montreal, american Republicans are presumed to be personna non grata... perhaps a fence to keep the vermin out. Quebec is in favour of immigration if you speak french, which effectivly exculdes you Gringoman.
Strap on that leaf-blower yet?


Por dios! Your mentor Edwards is now dabbling in psychiatry too? A new way to make El Pueblo even more unhappy and envious of American greatness? He's discovered another thing the puritanical Yankees fear-- the Spanish language? His estudiantes suck this up with their churros, no? If your marxed-out mentor knows Spanish any better than he knows English, I'll concede it if he ever demonstrates a mastery of either language, which he certainly has not in the many posts I've seen by him (though I think he could do better if he really tries.) As for his poli-punditry, which you find so impressive, this is the same Edwards who not long ago was singing the praises of Chirac and the French, their socialist superiority to we cowboys. This no doubt impresses a progged-up Canadian too, who feeds all day and night on Subsidized Soap Opera for the "advanced." Maybe you two, in a show of solidarity, can import some of the Entitlement Kiddies who are now vowing to tear up France if it dares not to owe them a living. Surely you could put them to work sewing Che tee shirts, or making Bush dolls in Nazi uniform, or delivering pamphlets on how to be good weasels and avoid saying yes or no to the Anti-Islamist Manifesto? You'd promise never to fire them without years of legal maneuver, right? You'd pay them what they want, right? You'd laugh as France falls behind Singapore in GDP, right? In other words, youwould be real entities in the real world, instead of ideologues who batten off of ideology's clash with reality. Right? Should anyone hold their breath?

Phillip Wedeen

How many "hot-dog" events can the hermit kingdom whip up a milloin plus people?
The temerity of these folks not wanting to be called felons!

Looks like Gringoman dodgeball yet again and this time uses the race card!

Nobody begrudges Securitania for shoring up the borders, you wingnut. They resent being made felons and facing mass deportation. In other words the Sensenbrenner bill that your hermit kingdom buddies are decrying as "already being watered down".
I thought you fascists had all the clout, what happened?


Mr. Wedeen:

Where did you attend undergraduate and graduate school? In what disciplines?

Since you are willing to talk about what you perceive as Gringomans lack of formal education I would dearly love to know where you attended...if you are comfortable with providing that information.


Wedeen, even if your (sic) education doesn't permit you to reply even yes or no to a certain Manifesto, do try to answer Washington, will you? Good luck. If you can get through that, there's a little tidbit waiting for you in "New Denmark Cartoon," you know, the one that was too fishy for you, with the perplexing porpoise?

Phillip Wedeen

Now comes the officious intermeddler, Washington, to intervene on behalf of Gringoman for some perceived slight. Get a life or at least recognize the "abuse" as a quid pro quo.
(BTW George, many in the pre-war english ruling class including the king, like their american counterparts, were eneamoured with Hitler... So please spare me the cherry tree history! If I need to warn others about the precipitous rise of american fascism I'll be sure to speak through a fish)

The hermit kindom of bloggers, where all things are beautiful and an Iraqi dentist plans american middle-east stategey, cannot fathom the issue at hand:
Nobody contests the right of Securitania to have a cogent immigration policy, the debate here is the REMEDY AT LAW proposed by the american right wing, which is the CRIMINALIZATION and MASS DEPORTATION of some 12 million people.
So instead of the feigned "I'm shocked at the inverted ensign", and "this is an act of war" crap why not find your cajones and say that you favour mass deportation instead of the lament that the bill has been "watered down".


Mr. Wedeen:

You are avoiding my questions. Would you answer them? What is your discipline and what schools have you attended?

I think I already know the answers to that but would love to hear you prove me wrong.

If you would prefer not to discuss your credentials then we can only conclude...no---I'm sure you are legitimate. So? Will you answer?


Mr. Wedeen:

You are avoiding my questions. Would you answer them? What is your discipline and what schools have you attended?

I think I already know the answers to that but would love to hear you prove me wrong.

If you would prefer not to discuss your credentials then we can only conclude...no---I'm sure you are legitimate. So? Will you answer?



He won't answer but I shall send you an email with all of the pertinent details.

He is a sophist.



I wish Wedeen could surprise me in some way. Alas, he disappoints yet again. Both he and his cohort Edwards have made an issue of "education" many times. They even delight in contrasting the "schooled" (themselves, naturally) with the "un-schooled" (myself, naturally.) And what happens when someone calls them on it? Looks like you're finding out. Good luck. It's easy to get every anti-American cliche and platitude under the progressive sun out of them. But if you try to get a yes or no re a certain anti-Islamist Manifesto, these smart ones suddenly go as silent as Stalin's mummy.

scott edwards

My dear Gringoman, must one place a sledgehammer blow to your foot so that you might ignore the ringing in your ears?

Apropos this (singular obsession?) islamic manifesto please allow me to paraphrase from my earlier responses of 24/03 and 25/03.
First I told you that "I subscribe to the Fisk article" which is not your preferred answer. Then I pointed you the nexus between "cartoon editor, Flemming Rose and islamophobe Daniel Pipes".
My response to the hypothetical concocted by these two magpies was (and is), "Nice try"
Gringoman, did you miss my answer? Could I have more honest or concise? Stop trifling.
Further, I reported to you earlier that I was tangentally involved.

Now Gringoman, I want you to point out here, from the corpus of my responses on this blog, references that I have made regarding your education. Let me stipulate (CV unseen) that Gringoman is highly educated man. He may be degreed or an autodidact, no matter. After all Gringoman, you posted the same about me, "Educated" was the word you used to describe me, and you are most correct.

Without trying to inflame you, this "Reconquista" stuff is rather silly. You also must appreciate the irony of 'Reconquista' which was driving muslims (and jews) from Spain (1490-1550) and the remedy being proposed- felons all- by the Toncredo is God, set. Your congress has done the saber hat dance to placate the fascist elements and will adapt instead a system which allows for legal residency leading to citizenship.

Finally, I can vouchsafe for my friend who is freezing up in Montreal.
Mr Washington, Gringoman has told you that Wedeen is educated. Now I have also told you. I'll even add the word "highly" to fortify my response. Swallow your pride. Comparing Gringomans fish with the gathering storm over europe wasn't too swift.


Isn't reconquista the same as Zionism?


Professor Edwards,

I don't know what school(s)are responsible for educating you and your proggy protege, the Castrophiliac Wedeen. It's too bad, though, that in addition to the legalniki art of sophistry and dodge ball for adults, they didn't teach you how to be forthright--a manly trait-- and answer yes or no to an elementary question of yes or no.

scott edwards

My lettered and laureled Gringoman, perhaps you were too engrossed in the Corpus Juris Secundum to read the Fisk article.
And I posted it three times!!!
In the article Fisk says, "no".
Dear chap, no need to make this an issue of testicular fortitude. Pls remind me never to diss your fish again!

It seems our little repartie is starting to make you a star among the disgruntled middle-aged etc, ect, etc.
You should consider a visit to Bella Vista around the New Year and in our summer.
I'll post along later what you must "endure" in the worker's paradise. It should be an intellectually stimulating visit. Olivier Beseancenot might be in town, and Phil might drop in.
No need to worry about being disappeared. Those guys your gov't installed are long gone.
Report on we subversive elements from ground zero! I can vouch for the wine.

This was Shiu's idea.


Professor Comrade Eduardos:

The Corpus Juris Secundum blather and whatever Fisk said might go better in a class on Critical Drinking. Nobody asked you what Fisk said. Nobody would need to. Fisk and 'no,' was foreordained. How would it not be? Anyone would know that who understands why Fisk has become a verb in the English language, making his own journo haj to his own personal Mecca. The yes or no was asked not of Fisk. It was asked of you. Ask not for whom the yes or no tolls, Professor. It tolls for you.

I don't know what "disgruntled middle-aged" you're talking about. Your fellow guevaranome Wedeen would obviously be disgruntled at any age. Shiu might be an entirely different matter. However, unfortunately (or fortunately) my travel habits are not what they used to be. When I go, it's to another hemisphere. I think Shiu would understand. And a few Cubans might realize that I haven't forgotten May, 1975, Saigon.

Phillip Wedeen

Here is a perfect example of the hermit kingdom of bloggers doing their demon-dance.
Fisk is a mid-east journalist for the London Independant. Gringoman does not like what the Fisk article stated about the Danish cartoons. Instead of taking Fisk on point by point we get this rant: "Fisk is making his own journo haj to his own personal mecca."
In other words because Fisk holds a position antithetical to the pre-ordained ideology of the extreme right, there is no need to even consider what it is Fisk said.
I think his article was a good one, and one almost universally endorsed in europe.
Anyway, Gringoman is a liar. His first post on the subject of the cartoons stated that the "left had no response to the cartoon controversy", when in fact there were many.
Edwards quickly countered that that assertion by Gringoman was false. Edwards then posted the Fisk article in rebuttal adding the he (Edwards) thought Fisk to be the best of among them.
But the old saw of the far-right 'Just demonize what you don't understand' serves Gringoman just fine in this instance.
Grown to an obsession the Gringoman is reduced to drawing fish on the subject. I, for one, am waiting for the a gringomade pseudo-discussion between the german scientist, Von Heisenburg, and the DANISH, Niels Bohr.

scott edwards

Sorry poor fellow that the charms of our barrio can not entice you.. I am stung by your rebuke. Chile is a beautiful country; many say like California prior to the population boom.

We do also have a property on the beach at La Fonda, BCN that we visit few times each year.
Before Amb. Zinsers' untimely passing he helped us obtain FM-3 status (done legally) in order for me to lecture and own land in fee.
Perhaps you might consider a shorter sojourn? We are about three hours drive from San Diego or two from Tijuana airport. We shall be there both in early July and again mid-August.
Usually in August we get euro friends in and some collegues from UofG I think you might enjoy the debate. July is the presidential election and I suspect the usual lot fro the PRD or PT will be otherwise engaged.
Each night over dinner we rotate the three languages (spanish, french, english) in 90 minute segments. There are guest rooms at the house and a lovely inn up the street.

As for Fisk, you first stated that you admired him. Que pasa?


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